Quality & Rank : Associate Lawyer;

Education : Master (Bac+5) in Law (University of Kinshasa);

Areas of practice : Real Estate Law, Law of Non-Governmental Organizations, Family Law and Criminal Law

Languages : French; Swahili; Lingala; Tshiluba

Experience : 7 years in 2023.

Me. Benjamin TSHIBANGU MULANGU advises and assists clients on all contours and legal issues in real estate matters, in the law of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), in criminal law as well as in inheritance law.

In terms of the law of non-governmental organizations, Benjamin TSHIBANGU intervenes from the drafting of the statutes until obtaining legal personality.

He has assisted and assists clients in the legal compliance audit of Association Sans But Lucratif (Asbl),

He has assisted clients during property purchase and sale transactions, large-scale estate distributions as well as the most complex criminal proceedings, both in demand and in defence.

His expertise makes him a seasoned lawyer able to detect all the contours of his chosen fields.