Mergers & acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are among the means for accessing businesses, by owning part of the shareholding or taking control of companies. Their implementation requires an accurate and full audit of the legal and fiscal procedures that may be pending, of the assets and liabilities as well as of the balance sheets and results of the previous years of the target company, in order to make sure of  the level of said assets and liabilities of the target company. This way, the purchaser of the shares or stock gets an accurate idea of what he is acquiring and how much investment he should put in to make the business viable or continue it as it is. The M&A bring together mainly company law, mining or forestry law, accounting law, tax law etc...

In the DR Congo, mergers and acquisitions abound in the mining and forestry sectors, as well as in the telecommunications and air transport sectors.

TI&A sca has significant experience in these areas, gained by its members over several decades of assistance and advice in this field. Thus, TI&A has assisted and/or represented both local and foreign clients in merger processes or acquisitions, under the financing of foreign banks.

Its team knows the presence of lawyers like Grégoire BAKANDEJA, Benoît TSHIBANGU, Ignace MUAMBA, Jean-Claude MULINGENYA and Hervé TSHIBANGU, who have accompanied many clients in similar procedures.

Australian, Canadian, American, English and Chinese companies are among the clients who have benefited from the expertise of TI&A Lawyers.