Forestry and logging law

Team managers : Mrs. Clédia T. MALU & Mr. Pierrot BAKAJIKA

The DR Congo, likewise the Congo-Brazzaville, has large equatorial forests with several rare species of wood, sought after for their rarest qualities in the manufacture of furniture and car interior accessories. Moreover, these forests are an almost inexhaustible source for fighting global warming. A particular attention is focused on by all the powers of the world in the fight against deforestation.

The importance of these two countries in the strategy fighting  global warming is quite evident. They occupy a place of choice in the world policy on anti-pollution strategies.

The DR Congo and Congo-Brazzaville each of them have specific legislation relating to the preservation of rare species, logging and reforestation, log processing, transport and processing before export.

The policy of granting logging licenses and permits is closely monitored by the Government and is from time to time subject to a logging moratorium. Limitations on the number of hectares that can be held by logging companies are regulated.

TI&A sca has accumulated a large experience over the years in the field of forestry law so as its clients are covered from start to the end in terms of legal advice, particularly in the application for forestry permits and licenses, reforestation obligations, fallow land etc…